Fuel for keynote
Fuel for keynote


Or someone who convinces them their ‘ceiling’ isn’t even a real idea in the first place. But what they really need is a teammate, coach, or mentor who reminds them of the distance between them and their ceiling. NBA players, especially the great ones, have more than enough people telling them they how amazing they are. The great players want to be told the truth.” The truth as in what they still need to do. I once heard NBA Hall of Fame coach Doc Rivers say, “The average players want to be left alone. No matter where they are on the statistic leader boards or in the contract process, they commit to growth. The top players are constantly pushing this ceiling by working on the aspects they can control.

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A player’s career is a mix of his own commitment to the game, the organization he plays for, the teammates he shares the floor with, the injuries that do or don’t occur, and so on. It’s the most optimistic view of his potential.

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Growth is big picture thinking.īefore a future NBA player is drafted, one of the metrics discussed is his “ceiling.” This is a term for how good the player can be if all things go right-and it’s a hypothetical. Growth is the reverse: when the day to day is weighing on you, take the opposite tack: pull back and focus on where you’re going. This is what I mean by growth.Įngaging the Process (the theme of the last episode) and Growth (the theme of this episode) are flip sides of the same coin: Engaging the process is a strategy to beat burnout when the big picture is the cause of exhaustion. The goal is to get as many attempts as possible, to continually learn, and keep moving forward toward the person we strive to become. Or we can choose to react to the feedback in a way that cripples us and sets us back. We can choose to react to the feedback in a way that serves us and moves us forward. And the perspective we choose influences our performance.


We get to choose how to process this feedback. That’s because every attempt provides us with feedback. Thankfully, every attempt is a chance to learn, a chance to grow and chance to develop in some area of our life. Some attempts feel bigger and more important because we build them up in our minds. Everything we do, every minute of every day, is just another attempt.

fuel for keynote


“ACE applauds the fuel retailers in Indiana for marketing E15 and higher blends and providing their customers with low cost, high octane choices at the pump,” Jennings said.When you really break it down, life is simply a never-ending series of attempts. Several fuel retailers joining the Indiana Corn Marketing Council’s Clean Fuel Partners will also be recognized at the event. “Thank you, Cardinal, for your support and active involvement in ACE.” “ACE congratulates Cardinal and other companies that have reached this significant milestone in the fifth-largest ethanol producing state in the nation,” Jennings said. This year, several of Indiana’s 14 ethanol plants are celebrating 10-year anniversaries, including ACE member Cardinal Ethanol’s 100 million-gallon-per-year plant in Union City, Indiana. “Plenty of work lies ahead as we work to convince elected leaders to provide greater market access to higher blends of ethanol, but I firmly believe the ethanol industry’s best days lie ahead.” “While the RFS helped spur an incredible economic resurgence in rural America, farmers are once again reeling from oversupplies and low corn prices,” Jennings added.

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In the 10 years since the RFS was enacted into law, our dependence on foreign oil and greenhouse gas emissions from motor fuel have steadily declined.” “Part and parcel to the industry’s achievements is the Renewable Fuel Standard, introduced by visionary leaders such as Indiana’s own Senator Lugar to tackle America’s dependency on foreign oil by increasing the use of ethanol and biodiesel here at home. “It’s my pleasure to address the leaders of Indiana who have played an integral part of ethanol’s success story,” Jennings said. The theme of this year’s Ethanol Forum, organized by the Indiana Corn Growers Association, is “an Indiana success story” and will bring together several ethanol plants, fuel retailers, ag and ethanol industry leaders, as well as state government representatives and congressional staff.


The American Coalition for Ethanol CEO Brian Jennings is keynoting the 2018 Indiana Ethanol Forum today in Indianapolis, Indiana, providing a state of the industry update to those in attendance and sharing what ACE and its allies are doing to expand market access for ethanol.

Fuel for keynote